We are very pleased to announce that Camp Medical Services, an important emerging provider of medical services to youth camps, has chosen NuP’s MicroCart and DMSLink products as its telemedicine solution. Camp Medical Services has as its mission to provide camps with the tools necessary to allow for exceptional medical care of their campers. They do this by ensuring the proper protocols and systems are in place so that the camp medical staff is ready for any emergency or routine care they may face on a typical day in the camp environment. Camp Medical Services understands it’s difficult to find appropriately certified physicians to cover a camp on a day-by-day basis. For this reason, they offer telemedicine services powered by NuPhysicia. These can be time scheduled daily or weekly, or on an on-call basis. The platform is HIPAA secure and allows for a live chat with a physician that actively evaluates patients.
Information about Camp Medical Services can be found at:
We are proud to have Camp Medical Services as a partner, and we look forward to contributing to their successes!